Volunteer reenactors wanted for
Dreadful Medicine living history programs
The Fairhaven, MA, Office of Tourism is looking for some volunteers with an interest in colonial period history to help with “Dreadful Medicine” programs to be held at Fort Phoenix on Thursday afternoons in the summer. The programs are planned for 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., weather permitting.
We could use a young apprentice of the village barber-dentist-surgeon, dressed in period attire, to help talk about tooth pulling, amputation, blood letting, and other scary medical practices in the days before anesthesia and clean tools were the norm. Males aged 16 into their 20s would be most appropriate for an apprentice character.
Other characters from Oxford Village in the 1770s would be considered for our presentations.
While volunteers should be comfortable talking to the public and willing to dress the part, no prior experience is needed, though backgrounds in theater, teaching, historical reenacting, etc. can be helpful. The Office of Tourism with provide historical information and will help with period costuming.
The Dreadful Medicine Living History page can be seen here: https://fairhaventours.com/dreadful-medicine-living-history/
If interested or to get more information, email FairhavenTours@fairhaven-ma.gov, call 508-979-4085, or stop by the Fairhaven Visitors Center, 141 Main Street, Fairhaven, MA