Tales of an Old Seaport Village

Tales of an Old Seaport Village
Tuesday morning, 10:00 a.m., June through August.
Tours begin outside the Millicent Library, 
45 Center Street, Fairhaven

Included in HuffPost Travel
“Best 50 Immersive Tours in the Northeast USA”
by travel writer Malerie Yolen-Cohen

Stroll through the historical center of Fairhaven, which developed between the 1760s and the 1890s as a bustling town where Yankee sea captains, business people, and hardworking farming families lived side by side as the village evolved from being an early colonial settlement to a vibrant part of a growing country. Hear some of the most interesting stories, legends, and the truth behind a few whispered rumors in this “Small Town with a Big History.”

Sponsored by the Fairhaven Office of Tourism. Free.

A PDF file of self-guided tour sheets is available here: Fairhaven Village Self-Guided Tour

A 30-minute video was created in May 2020 to help replace the live tours while they cannot be held. It focuses only on benefactor Henry H. Rogers and does not include other stories told on the in-person walks.

With advance arrangements, this tour can also be booked at other times for groups of twelve or more people, as the tour guides’ schedules allow. For more information, call or email the Office of Tourism, 508-979-4085, FairhavenTours@fairhaven-ma.gov.

Other tours are shown here: TOURS