With the restructuring of the Office of Tourism, the Huttleston Marketplace has developed into the Huttleston HarborFest. For vendors who would like to participate, please visit https://www.discoverfairhaven.org/huttlestonharborfest2025.
A small town with a big history.
508-979-4085 / FairhavenTours@fairhaven-ma.gov
With the restructuring of the Office of Tourism, the Huttleston Marketplace has developed into the Huttleston HarborFest. For vendors who would like to participate, please visit https://www.discoverfairhaven.org/huttlestonharborfest2025.
141 Main St
Fairhaven MA 02719
Hours: Mon, Tu, Thu, Fri, Sat
8:00 a.m. to Noon and
12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Notices about public events taking place within Fairhaven may be posted free of charge on the