Early American Monday
Monday afternoons, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., June 21 through August 9
Fairhaven Visitors Center lawn, 141 Main Street, Fairhaven
A new weekly program for history buffs called “Early American Monday” starts on June 21. Each Monday afternoon, weather permitting, reenactors late Colonial and early Federal period will be set up at different stations on the lawn of the Academy Building to talk to the public about life during the late 1700s and to demonstrate early American skills. Visitors will hear about what happened in town during the Revolutionary War, everyday village activities, and, depending on the particular reenactors present, may see wool carding and spinning, quilting, 18th century medical and dental instruments and procedures, and other presentations. An original classroom in the Academy Building, built in 1798, can also be viewed. The public is invited to attend, free of charge. Wear masks for safety is optional.
For more information, email FairhavenTours@fairhaven-ma.gov or call 508-979-4085.