Unitarian Memorial Church (1904) 102 Green St Fairhaven, MA 508-992-7081 Tours available by appointment Dedicated in October 1904, this English Perpendicular Gothic style “cathedral” was designed by architect Charles Brigham and built by Henry H. Rogers in memory of his mother Mary E. Rogers. It was built of local granite quarried near Fort Phoenix and Indiana limestone by European artisans including Italian stone cutters and Bavarian … [Read more...]
First Congregational Church
First Congregational Church (1845) 34 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-993-3368 http://www.firstcongfairhaven.com/ Home to the oldest religious congregation in Fairhaven, the gothic church was designed by architect Minard Lafever and built in 1845. The church once had a 100-foot wooden spire atop its brick tower. The spire was destroyed by a hurricane in September of 1869. … [Read more...]
St Joesph’s of Fairhaven
St Joseph's of Fairhaven 74 Spring St, Fairhaven, MA (508) 994-9714 http://stjosephparishfairhaven.weebly.com/ Fairhaven's first Roman Catholic parish, it was started in 1905 by the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts. The original church was located across Spring Street. The present church was built in 1925. … [Read more...]
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Photo by Sharon McGraw St Mary's Catholic Church 440 Main St, Fairhaven, MA (508) 992-7300 · https://stmarysfairhaven.org/ … [Read more...]
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church 16 Temple Pl, Fairhaven, MA (508) 993-6351 Website: Trinity Lutheran Church … [Read more...]
Faith Living Fellowship
Faith Living Fellowship 60 Cedar Street Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-997-6503 http://www.faithlivingfellowship.org/ … [Read more...]
Victory Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Church 7 Park Ave, Fairhaven, MA (508) 997-4388 · vbc1976.com … [Read more...]