Black History: Elleanor Eldredge

Black History Discussion: Elleanor Eldredge
Monday, February 27, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Millicent Library, 45 Center St. (Walnut St. entrance)

During Black History Month, the Friends of the Millicent Library presents informal talks and discussions about Black people in Massachusetts and Rhode Island who changed history. We will talk about the realities of northern slavery and the challenges that continued after emancipation.

The conversations will be led by Beth Luey, a Fairhaven resident who has written about these fascinating historical figures. The talks will begin at 6:30 and last about an hour.

Monday, February 27: Elleanor Eldridge. Of African and Narragansett ancestry, Elleanor Eldridge began working as a domestic servant as a small child around 1790. Developing skills and entrepreneurial instincts, she started her own business and began buying real estate in Warwick and Providence. When dishonest businessmen and politicians colluded to seize her property, she went to court—paying her legal fees with the income from her autobiography.

This discussion will take place in the auditorium of the Millicent Library. Disabled Accessible. Free. Donations accepted. Registration can be completed on our website: